Among the sea life found on yesterday's Sealife Encounter: dozens of Pigmy Seahorses, Pipefish, and Spider Crabs.
We saw quite a few dolphins on the way to Picnic Island where we were able to catch several different kinds of sea creatures in the shallow grass beds. While at the island we also saw a few more dolphins and collected many other types of sea life in our nets. Back at the boat, we dragged the miniature otter trawl through slightly deeper grass beds and found a few Striped Burr Fish, a Southern Puffer, and about a dozen Filefish as well as several Pinfish and Grass Grunts. There was one fish that we scooped up which I was unable to identify, but after some research I determined the mystery fish to be a Srawled Broom Filefish.
Just a quick glimpse into our paradise. Until next time. Naturalist Andrew here.