What a beautiful day in the dead of Winter! Temps in the 70s and a few scattered clouds against a clear blue sky. Fishing was slow, we did manage to catch a few spotted Seatrout, a few Southern Flounder and a Ladyfish. But it was just nice being out here on the water today. At the end of the trip, a Lady confessed that she had a banana on board..could it be true that bananas will cause a poor day of fishing? :) Here is a photo of the peaceful and scenic cove where we fished for awhile!
This afternoon's Sea Life Encounter had lots of little adventurers on board! They helped Mike the naturalist collect a lot of creatures (fish, pipefish, crabs, and shrimp) from the shallow grass bed. The highlight of the trip aside from the many dolphins we saw, was the huge Striped Burfish (puffer) that we caught in our net on the deeper grass net drag.
This photo does not show how huge he was, but we caught the kids grinning about it and if you look closely, you will also see the puffer grinning as well!
Capt. Bob